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On the rectangular playing field, robots are grouped into pairs, forming 2 teams that play against each other.

Robots must obtained scattered balls in their half of the playing field and launch them at targets on the other side of the field. Robots must always remain on their teams side and can never occupy the airspace in the other teams half.

There are 5 total targets, and one multiplier. A team will receive 10 points for any ball that hits the target at the front row, 20 points for any ball that strikes the two middle targets and 40 points for hitting the two targets in the back row.

The special red target located in the middle of the back row serves as a multiplier. A net to catch the balls is placed under the multiplier. The team which launches the most balls in that net will have their points doubled at the end of the heat. Finally, a team will receive 10 points for each ball a robot catches. An additional 10 points will be awarded to the individual robot that catches the ball.